If your response to this question is, "What in the world
is a Pantser?" you're probably not a writer. You're also probably
This month's Writers Ramble topic is
Outlining vs. Freewriting. What works for you and why?
When it comes to writing fiction
there are essentially two ways to do it, plan everything out before you ever
type the first word, or sit down and make it all up as you go along. The former
is known as "outlining" the latter "freewriting" or
"discovery writing" also known as writing by the seat of your pants.
Hence the term, "Pantser".
Are these two schools of thought all
inclusive, you're either one or the other? Not at all. In fact, most authors I
know are a combination of the two, with some planning before hand, maybe a few
notes about what scenes will go where, then the rest freewritten as they go
of it as more of a spectrum. At the one end, you have absolute outliners like
Brandon Sanderson, (though even he'll say he discovery writes when under odd
sorts of pressures). On the other end you have Stephen King who said, “Outlines are the last resource of bad
fiction writers who wish to God they were writing masters' theses.”
the difference? Well, discovery writing is all about letting the story go
wherever it wants. It seems silly, speaking about the story like it's a living
entity, but to many writers their stories are just that. The story is a living,
breathing creation that goes where it wants and does what it wants. Discovery
writing is all about creating the setting, characters, or situation, then just
exploring a train of thought along those lines, letting your imagination run
wild with the possibilities. You have no idea where the story is going to end,
but you can't wait to get there.
Outlining is a lot more structured.
It's taking the idea, setting, characters, and writing down everything they are
going to do so you know exactly what's going to happen in your story. This
still is, in a sense, discovery writing, because you have to explore the ideas
and see where they take you, but in this case the discoveries occur mostly in
the author's mind, explored, rejected, accepted, until they know where they're
going. Now, there can be different levels of outlining. Some authors, like Dan
Wells, outline a basic plot structure, and have an ending in mind, then free
write all the stuff in between keeping in mind where it all has to end up.
Others will outline down to every scene of every chapter. Then the writing just
becomes filling in the details.
What do I do?
A little of both, actually. I never write an outline down, but instead I mull
an idea over in my head, thinking up more and more details, and even plan the
ending until I have a pretty solid mental outline. Once it's basically complete
in my head, I sit down and try to transfer all those thoughts into a coherent
manuscript. That's where the discovery writing comes in, because I know what I want my characters to do, but
most of the time I don't know how they're going to do that.
Of course, once you start freewriting
all of your plans and outlines are subject to change without notice. I
recall a story I wrote once where at the end the hero, heroine, and heroine's
father were facing of with the villain, who had a gun on them. I knew that by
the end of the scene the villain would enact a terrible event and the hero
wouldn't be able to stop him. But they couldn't just sit by and let it happen
either, someone had to try to stop him. At first I started to write it that the
hero would lunge at the villain, but the hero was injured. The heroine couldn't
do it either because she was holding the hero in her lap. That left the father,
who was most affected by the tragic event anyway, so of course he would react.
But the villain had a gun, so of course he would shoot... and then the father
would die. Until that moment there'd been no plan to kill the father character.
But as it played out on the page it completely fit and was so emotionally
charged due to the situation that even I got a little choked up as I was
writing it. I was sad that this character was suddenly dead because that was
not supposed to happen. And in the end I had several readers tell me that was
the best part of the story.
there's merit to both outlining and discovery writing. Take the best of both
practices, find your point along the spectrum, and make them work to your
advantage. You never know where a story will take you.