The topic for this month’s Ramble is Best Revision
Techniques. What are the most effective ways to revise your writing in order to
make it stronger, clearer, more concise, or more engaging? Honestly, this is
something I’m still learning about. And while most of my colleagues will be
focusing on specific edits, such as noun or verb changes, I’m going to take a
broader approach, looking at the overall picture of your story.
So you write a story, or a chapter, or whatever your little
heart desires, and you send it to friends, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors,
and everyone under the sun who is willing to look at it. They read it, mark it
up, and send it back. A lot of those revisions will be line edits; typos,
pronoun confusion, misused words, etc. But, if your readers are really paying
attention, they’ll have other comments about your characters, plot, motivations,
or settings. They’ll tell you what didn’t work for them, and why. Maybe they’ll
give suggestions on how to fix, or maybe you come up with the solution
yourself. Either way, you then go back into your story or chapter, cut out the
junk, and insert your fresh new ideas.

So what to do? Like adding a clump of clay to a sculpture,
you can go back over it repeatedly, smoothing out the seams and trying to force
it all to blend together, or, as the title of this post suggests, you can start
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s
the only way to be sure.” –Ellen Ripley
Sometimes, and I would even go as far as to say, most times,
if there are major structural changes that need to be made to your story, the
best approach is to start over. Which sucks, obviously, and this is not advice
that I, myself, follow often. I’ve already put so much time and effort into
what I currently have, why would I want to go back and do it all again?
Writing is like making cookies. Maybe you accidentally use
baking soda instead of baking powder, (because who can ever tell those two
apart, right?). Obviously, this is going drastically affect the flavor of your
cookies. So, you have two choices. Try to pick out all the baking soda, which
won’t be easy if you’ve already added flower, or eggs, or anything else that
the soda will mix easily with. Or, scrap the batch and start over, making sure
to use the correct ingredients on the second go.

It may be extreme, and like I said, I rarely do this myself,
but if you want your writing to flow like the lazy river at a water park,
smooth and seamless, trust me, this is the way to do it.